it started as a personal dream of getting pledges for good deeds. it continues now as inspiring acts that we hear about to help others in their own hopes ... no matter how big or small the deed ... or the dream.

Monday, July 31, 2006

wedding coordinator of the D day

Yes... another wedding-related good deed.

In an effort to make life easier for me, Marj made my good deed a retro-active one. I was the wedding coordinator of the day for her wedding last December 26, 2005. Thanks Marj. Am grateful to her on two counts: 1) that, because of her choice, i've automatically accomplished a good deed for my drive and 2) that she gave me the honor of being an important part of her wedding.

Every now and then, I muse that being a simple guest in a wedding is great because you're not pressed to accomplish tasks, worry about the time (ohmigask!! where are the bridesmaids??! they should be marching by now!), get possibly embarassed in front of people (Lord, wag sana ako pumiyok), or be in a hurry while eating (uy, magstastart na dapat ang program).

But at the end of the day, you see your friends happy and in total bliss, and you're comforted by the warm fuzzy feeling that even in some very small miniscule way, you were a part of that. That's one of the greatest feelings ever.

P.s. thanks to lau for the pictures

an elliot-yamin song for you

a few months back, i, like many before and after me, was addicted to American Idol season 5. More specifically, to Elliot Yamin. Thanks to, (which may not exist anymore) and i was able to read more about him. And... I was able to download all his performances in AI5.

so, my good deed to Jed is to give her a CD copy of Elliot's AI5 performances (with judges comments). To other elliot fans out there who want a CD too... you'd have to find a way to get a hold of me, give me a CD and get the burned copy from me (sorry, am afraid to offer mailing services on this one).

sigh. i *heart* elliot. hehe.

Friday, July 28, 2006

for love of KNN

i have the honor of working with some of the best people in Manila, as well as the Philippines. They're mostly underaged individuals who walk around with their carefree ways and wide-eyed wonder, laughing their way through most tasks and supporting each other with clarion calls of "that's so GREEEEAAAAT","go na ito!" and "keri na yung churva na yan".

Kabataan News Network (KNN) is a weekly TV magazine show produced by the youth, for the youth. Yup, the kiddos do everything from proposing a story, to shooting, transcribing and scripting. And believe me, it's even much more impressive than it sounds. In my one year of working with them, we've covered all kinds, forms and shapes of stories -- from heavy-juvenile justice, pagpag kids; to light and fluffy teen magazines and cheerleading. As Bureau Manager, I mostly facilitate in the process and guide them in their formation.

These kids have shown me depth & width of soul & character that are sometimes lost in older people. I am especially touched because some of them insisted on being part of my dream despite my persistence that i'm not accepting their allowance (hint, hint, hanna). But oh well, they found a way, and their generosity reminds me of the parable of the poor woman who gave Jesus all that she had (not that i am in any way comparing myself to messianic figures but you get the gist...). Anyway, kakatouch. So, no deed request, but am writing this for them.

I'd like to think that I was able to share some of my knowledge and, dare I say, wisdom with the youth reporters --- from "this is how to frame your interviewee" to "choose a course that will bring you to the life you want 50 years from now, and if you change your mind somewhere along the way, that's OK, too". But I'd like to share some things that I learned from them as well...

1. Be punctual. Ahehe. In my defense, I'm never late for actual shoots.

2. At one point, you really have to leave it to your faith in God. This is not in response to production problems, but rather to their own personal challenges in life. Tragedies, after all, occur regardless of age. And what some of these young people have gone through makes me wish that I could be just as strong in my own faith.

3. There must always be time for chikahan and kamustahan. Just as important as getting the job done is getting the job done with as much laughter, harmony and happiness as possible.

4. "Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can break your heart"-r.fulghum. I've worked with younger people a lot, but for some reason, I've only really felt the power & gravity of words with this group. They are so trusting that they sometimes wear their hearts on their sleeves and it makes me want to protect them from the big bad world.

Pero ika nga ng iba, I should learn to let go and stop mothering them (hehe). So I will end this by saying that I have loved being part of KNN, and am honored that I was part of the lives of these young & wonderful people. Watch out for them, if my instincts are right, they will soon take on the world.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

wedding photographers & gown designers 'naman'

For some reason, i have received yet another deed request that has something to do with weddings... which of course leads to discussions of "when are you getting married?". My replies fluctuate between "pagkatapos mo" to "shet ka rin", depending on how jologs i feel at the moment. Hehe. What can I say... tis the season of weddings and babies.

In general, I love weddings, drinks all around! I dabbled a bit in wedding coordination, and have friends and acquaintances who are into wedding services as well. So Karen Cruz' deed request is to give contacts for wedding services who charge affordable prices (emphasis on the affordable--- nowadays 'royalty weddings' are just not for the general masa).

Wedding photos: My friend Cary Reyes is photographer-slash-computer programmer (see works above). You can find his contact numbers and more of his works at and other non-wedding eye-popping photos at I am a fan of his.

Wedding gowns: Jennifer Galias is a friend of a friend, who I recently found out is the niece of my mom's childhood pal in Project 4 (how's that for the 6 degrees game?). She designs wedding gowns (and swimsuits for those interested). You can email her at or sms her at 09178574833. See a sample of her work at left.

And voila! You have a beautiful wedding that won't push you into the poverty line!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Wedding songs anyone?

In March 30, 2003 (yes, 03-30-03) Angel Balagtas became Angel Suero...

And now... she is still in the process of putting together the wedding video & album (sorry ainge, couldn't resist, hehe). My good deed is to come up with a list of suggested songs that can be used for the wedding video (with specific instructions: none of the usual, "i will always love you" and "you" songs which we've all grown to hear at every other wedding).

So far this is what I have (visitors are welcomed, no, urged, to give their suggestions, too):
1. Final Frontier (Anita Baker) - theme song of mad about you tv series... how could you not love this??
2. Ice Cream (Sarah McLachlan) - your better than ice cream... well said!!
3. Every Little thing she does is Magic (Sting) - must have sting somehow
4. Baby I love your way (your choice of whichever version) - such a sexy song.
5. You Belong to Me (jason wade) - jason wade's version of vonda shephard's popular song just sounds so much more romantic
6. That's all (Michael Buble or rod stewart) - I admit, this is in every other wedding too, but it's so sweet
7. The sweetest thing (Bono) - everybody now... ohooooh... the sweetest thing
8. Take My breathe away (tuck & patti) - a personal favorite
9. Grow Old along with me (Mary Chapin Carpenter) - a classic yet not so famous song that talks of a marriage rather than a wedding
10. All you need is love (Beatles) - if it's good enough for a wedding in Love Actually... it's good enough for me
11. God only knows what i'd do without you (beach boys?? but someone else sang this))- again. love actually. very sentimental ending of the movie
12. Chapel of Love - if there's a need for upbeat music, this is cutie patootie. (jason corrected me that this was not entitled "going to the chapel" as i had previously written)
13. That thing you do (the Wonders) - suggested by Lee from the friendster blog.

Will add more as the ideas come along.

Also, as part and parcel of this good deed are prayers for ainge in all that she hopes for.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

FAQs on studying in ISS

This is my super-sister Aimee. And this deed is for her... that I help her friend Heather, by answering questions about ISS (Institute of Social Studies). I've emailed her personally already and we have a nice chat going on now.

But for those who may also be interested in studying in the netherlands... i direct you to this site, and then click on the "Netherlands Fellowship Programmes". There is a list of schools and courses which are under the fellowship program.

Usually, their system is: you apply to the school first, and if you're accepted, you apply to the Netherlands Fellowship Programme for funding.

I wish all applicants the best. Here's hoping that you won't find yourselves blogging for good deed pledges after (hehe, a little self-hirit to keep me sane).

p.s. baby miyka in the right has nothing to do with this post but as she's my sister's newborn baby, and is very very cute... she's in it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Dreams & Deeds update

Honestly, i've been wanting to blog more often to keep people updated... but I wanted to blog about the deeds I've done done as well. Some deeds, however, are Holland-based, so i can't blog about them yet. I will therefore just mention those who have given me their pledges and what their good deed requests are... and once again express my gratitude for their support:

Astrid - be her tour guide when she gets there
Nicolle - alagaan si Astrid (your normal check up on her every now and then, hehe)
Martina - happy deed
Faye & Alfa - help a dog/ cat find a home (actually, i was waiting for this to come up, and am not surprised that faye requested it)
Merci - collect 3 old children's books for her (dutch stories but in english) -- hehe, i want books for myself, too
Dondon - to be spiritually prepared, attend the Christian Life Program
Detremier & Jay - still waiting for them to request a good deed

Meanwhile, the site has reached its $200 goal as well. And for this I have to thank my super - sister Aimee who tapped her network (with a very touching email that sort of brought me to tears). Once upon a time she told me that sisters could be the best of friends or the worst of enemies, and I'm glad we ended up as the former... but I digress...

Fundable people whose deeds I have yet to do or hear: Moy & Neil (one of those couples who reaffirms my faith in love) , Carol, Elaine, Carina, Melissa ( Dr. Melissa, that is : ) and Aimee- Joseph.

For the other pledgers out there, i'm doing the rounds and trying to get to everyone soon.

Overall, I'm almost about to meet my target amount of 30,000. I'll post who pledged, what the requests where and how much in total we all gathered together so we can have a nice social audit going on. hehe.

Again, labis na pasasalamat. I am continually humbled by the beauty of generosity.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

praying for a baby

"better late than pregnant"
- blanche deveraux, golden girls
'Better late than pregnant' is a common joke among friends. But apparently, for one friend (who wishes to remain anonymous), she doesn't mind having a little bundle of joy baking in her oven (sorry couldn't resist).
So my good deed is to pray that she has a baby : ) and that she turns out to be a good mommy.
Dear God (and whoever else is listening up there), please give my friend, the anti-blanche, her wish.
I like this deed... despite the fact that the reprohealth person in me is shouting "contraceptives" and that stress may also be a contributor to delayed menstruation.... i like this deed.
This just in, SHE'S PREGNANT!!!! Whoopee, i'm going to be a tita : ) : ) : ) pass around the red wine!!!

advocate for the desaparecidos

My deed has to do with fighting for this man*.

There was once a man who had a different set of political beliefs. He was so passionate about them that he involved himself in activities which sought to liberate the minds of his fellowmen. Community organizing, mobilizations and basic speaking out. The government could not silence him.

So, swiftly, secretly and forcibly, they took him away. To a place where none of his loved ones could trace him. He had simply disappeared. Like the many before him... and sadly, the many after him.

Celia's uncle was one of them. And so quite understandably, she now works for Families of Involuntary Disappearances (FIND), an NGO that campaigns against disappearance. August 30 is the International Day of the Desaparecido... a moment to remember and pay tribute to these victims.

August 30 also falls on a Wednesday, when the regular TV show DOKYU of ABC5 airs. Among the many activities to be done that day, FIND hopes that DOKYU would air their documentary about the desaparecidos. My good deed is to help out & advocate for the airing of that dokyu.

We've so far asked Ramon if this is possible (after all, he's the director), but it seems that the key is to get the permission of the actual lasallian filmmakers. So onwards to the lasallites we march... or text... or email... in hopes that the story of the man will be known to more.

* men and women comprise desaparecidos, but majority of them are men.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Buy my dream (from outside the Philippines)

I love the global cybercommunity!! Responses have been coming in from other countries but it's quite tricky to come up with a way for them to pledge that's very convenient to their schedule.

And at the suggestion of my friend Ferrie, I've opened a 'group action' in a site where people from other countries can pledge via paypal or credit card. It's only when the goal amount has been reached that the site will collect the pledges. So to the generous pledgers from other countries...

Once again, thanks for all those who have responded, supported and even helped with 'advertising' the buy my dream project. I must now go back to a cross-stitch which hermrei requested as his deed.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Dreams & Deeds update

People have been asking how the little fundraising is going... : )

One week has passed since I called out to the world, and I've gotten about 23 pledges (amounting up to P12,000 due to varying amounts of pledges) from people all over... some of whom i've lost contact with since highschool. Now it's a matter of getting to them one by one and doing the deeds (hmmm...)

It's an amazing experience to have people respond to you, saying they want to be part of your dream. And by asking them for a good deed request, they usually ask those which make me become part of their dreams as well... pray for this person, ideas for a project, deliver flowers there. There are even those who don't ask for a deed and just want to help me out. How touching (a little tear there...)

Plus there's that whole wonderful experience of getting in contact with people again. Ansaya.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Develop Promo Ideas for Brew Baker

Somewhere in the Walter Mart of E. Rodriguez is "Brew Baker", a newly-opened kiosk/coffee/bakeshop goodies store. The revel bars are particularly wonderful in the mouth... (insert all kinds of sounds depicting yumminess).

Tita Tess is the owner, founder, manager and over-all ruler of Brew Baker. She is also a pledgee for my dream, and her good deed is to come up with promo ideas for Brew Baker.

So far, I've got the following:
1. Strike an ex-deal with Walter Mart grocery (or other stores) to give Brew baker discount coupons to a) customers who fit a certain criteria (e.g. mommies shopping with a kid) or b) customers who bought something coffee or bakeshop-related (e.g. those who bought flour or sugar).
Plus points: Most people can't resist the idea of getting something cheaper. I myself find myself holding on to those damn mcdo coupons.
Challenges: getting the grocery store cashier to be consistent in sticking to the promo; calculating the discount to ensure net gain pa rin.

2. Designate a 'table of the day' at the end of the day (tutal, di na fresh ang pandesals). Give a bunch of pandesal for free to the "lucky people/person" who happen/s to be sitting in the lucky table amidst the other tables in the food court area.
Plus points: increases people's awareness of Brew Baker; builds up some good will (i think)
Challenges: Needs a certain amount of bibo-ness from the sales people to approach total strangers and suddenly offer them pandesal (or whatever other bakeshop product)

3. Gawing mas 'comfy' look ang kiosk so passerbys can feel all homey warm and fuzzy when they pass by the kiosk and feel compelled by a sudden burst of inspiration to buy bakeshop goodies for the family back home. Country table cloth, baking-goods aroma galore, cutesy drawings of kids on the boards. We're all victims of great packaging. hehe. Though, from what i understand, tita tess and martina are doing this already.
Plus points: Ganda ng lola mo..
Challenges: needs some monetary investments

4. Ask Walter Mart to increase the aircon, para ginawin ang tao at bumili sila na kape. hehe... this will probably not be taken seriously.

Obviously, these are still not brilliant enough ideas to wow tita tess. So am opening the floor for comments and other suggestions from anyone who would like to put their two centavos worth in.