it started as a personal dream of getting pledges for good deeds. it continues now as inspiring acts that we hear about to help others in their own hopes ... no matter how big or small the deed ... or the dream.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

praying for a baby

"better late than pregnant"
- blanche deveraux, golden girls
'Better late than pregnant' is a common joke among friends. But apparently, for one friend (who wishes to remain anonymous), she doesn't mind having a little bundle of joy baking in her oven (sorry couldn't resist).
So my good deed is to pray that she has a baby : ) and that she turns out to be a good mommy.
Dear God (and whoever else is listening up there), please give my friend, the anti-blanche, her wish.
I like this deed... despite the fact that the reprohealth person in me is shouting "contraceptives" and that stress may also be a contributor to delayed menstruation.... i like this deed.
This just in, SHE'S PREGNANT!!!! Whoopee, i'm going to be a tita : ) : ) : ) pass around the red wine!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

6:37 PM


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