it started as a personal dream of getting pledges for good deeds. it continues now as inspiring acts that we hear about to help others in their own hopes ... no matter how big or small the deed ... or the dream.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Develop Promo Ideas for Brew Baker

Somewhere in the Walter Mart of E. Rodriguez is "Brew Baker", a newly-opened kiosk/coffee/bakeshop goodies store. The revel bars are particularly wonderful in the mouth... (insert all kinds of sounds depicting yumminess).

Tita Tess is the owner, founder, manager and over-all ruler of Brew Baker. She is also a pledgee for my dream, and her good deed is to come up with promo ideas for Brew Baker.

So far, I've got the following:
1. Strike an ex-deal with Walter Mart grocery (or other stores) to give Brew baker discount coupons to a) customers who fit a certain criteria (e.g. mommies shopping with a kid) or b) customers who bought something coffee or bakeshop-related (e.g. those who bought flour or sugar).
Plus points: Most people can't resist the idea of getting something cheaper. I myself find myself holding on to those damn mcdo coupons.
Challenges: getting the grocery store cashier to be consistent in sticking to the promo; calculating the discount to ensure net gain pa rin.

2. Designate a 'table of the day' at the end of the day (tutal, di na fresh ang pandesals). Give a bunch of pandesal for free to the "lucky people/person" who happen/s to be sitting in the lucky table amidst the other tables in the food court area.
Plus points: increases people's awareness of Brew Baker; builds up some good will (i think)
Challenges: Needs a certain amount of bibo-ness from the sales people to approach total strangers and suddenly offer them pandesal (or whatever other bakeshop product)

3. Gawing mas 'comfy' look ang kiosk so passerbys can feel all homey warm and fuzzy when they pass by the kiosk and feel compelled by a sudden burst of inspiration to buy bakeshop goodies for the family back home. Country table cloth, baking-goods aroma galore, cutesy drawings of kids on the boards. We're all victims of great packaging. hehe. Though, from what i understand, tita tess and martina are doing this already.
Plus points: Ganda ng lola mo..
Challenges: needs some monetary investments

4. Ask Walter Mart to increase the aircon, para ginawin ang tao at bumili sila na kape. hehe... this will probably not be taken seriously.

Obviously, these are still not brilliant enough ideas to wow tita tess. So am opening the floor for comments and other suggestions from anyone who would like to put their two centavos worth in.


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